Sunday, July 22, 2012


What happens when that day comes that there is absolutely no difference between the way the world thinks and those of the church think?  I've thought about this lately a great deal because I see it happening.  I suppose one could rightly state that it is in its way fulfillment of prophecy; therefore I can reason that a sense of calm should prevail because God has the situation in hand - and I believe with all my heart that He does, but each time I look at this situation I experience a heaviness within me that is hard to shake off. 

There is a time spoken of in the Bible - a time when people will not "endure sound doctrine," but will want to hear continuous pleasantries.  What seems now to have happened is that many people choose to attend churches where they can count on hearing a gospel message laced with all good news and designed to motivationally build on their sense of self-importance.  Consequently, having resisted the Holy Spirit they have come to the point that they cannot bear to hear a true message of repentance for this world.  They don't want to hear about sin and judgment.  That does not fit with the world they are in which they've become so reluctant to let go of. 

I know this is a difficult subject.  It leaves me with a sense of great unhappiness, but at the same time I feel the comfort and love of God's Spirit and therefore there is joy also, because I know the strength of God's love.  He would not have made a way of salvation for us if that were not true.  Let's listen to God's word, study it, drink it in and pray for understanding.  Jesus said that we should pay attention and learn from His words.  He wants us to make a difference in this world - to be the "salt" that gives flavor to a world of people who struggle to find their way.