Friday, January 6, 2012


On my way home one night I saw a man and a woman standing by their car, looking concerned and a little helpless, and a wrecker pulling up, obviously there to help them.  What struck me was the message posted on the front of the wrecker.  It read, in huge letters, "HELP'S HERE."  I thought about what a relief it must be for stranded, distressed individuals to see that and it made me think of other things too.  How much or how often do we consider the depth of our need for God's help?

Before we come to Christ there is that space of time when we're out there in the world, seeing things from the world's viewpoint, coping with life based on the little we understand.  And there are times during that period when attempts are made to reach out for God's help, often at a point in life when there is a time of need. And when the answer sought doesn't arrive, the conclusion is sometimes reached that - well, God isn't listening.  Or maybe the answer does come, and there's a time of joy and gratitude, but perhaps all too soon forgotten.  Rather than a step forward into more understanding, there's a backward motion of "I can take it from here.."

Scripture tells us that God does not "slumber nor sleep."  He watches out for us continually and that means even during the times when we may have periods of real feelings of abandonment.  Abandoned? It's not true.  Please remember that during difficult times of life Satan will do all he can to bring the lie to us that God does not care.  It's not true.  Reject that thought.  Jesus offered the assurance that God's love for us is such that He knows the exact amount of hair on our heads.  And so, whatever is happening, and regardless of what it may seem like, remember that God knows about it.  He is with you.  Stay close to Him.  Go to Him, every time.  Trust Him, all the time.  Look up, and remember, "Help's Here."

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